Noncommutative Shapes: A conference in honor of Michel Van den Bergh's 60th birthday
University of Antwerp
September 12–16, 2022
The schedule is given in Antwerp's local time zone, so GMT+2.
Monday, September 12
- 08:30–10:00
- registration
- 10:00–10:50
- Bounded t-structures on the category of perfect complexes
- Amnon Neeman (Australian National University)
video - 11:00–11:30
- break
- 11:30–12:20
- Grothendieck classes of quadric hypersurfaces and involution varieties (remote)
- Gonçalo Tabuada (University of Warwick)
video - 12:20–14:00
- lunch
- 14:00–14:50
- Perverse sheaves and schobers on symmetric products.
- Mikhail Kapranov (Yale University)
video - 15:00–15:30
- break
- 15:30–16:20
- The noncommutative minimal model program (remote)
- Daniel Halpern-Leistner (Cornell University)
video - 17:00–19:30
- reception
Tuesday, September 13
- 09:00–09:50
- Noncommutative crystalline cohomology
- Boris Tsygan (Northwestern University)
video - 10:00–10:30
- break
- 10:30–11:20
- Convolution algebras via Chow groups (remote)
- Catharina Stroppel (University of Bonn)
video - 11:30–12:20
- Categorical absorption of singularities
- Alexander Kuznetsov (Steklov Mathematical Institute)
video - 12:20–14:00
- lunch
- 14:00–14:50
- Noncommutative Enriques surfaces (remote)
- Alexander Perry (University of Michigan)
video - 15:00–15:30
- break
- 15:30–16:20
- Generalized Kähler metrics and double symplectic groupoids (remote)
- Marco Gualtieri (University of Toronto)
video - 16:30–17:20
- Non-Fourier-Mukai functors and counterexamples in algebraic geometry
- Alice Rizzardo (University of Liverpool)
Wednesday, September 14
- 09:00–09:50
- Comparing Calabi-Yau and quasi-bisymplectic structures for multiplicative preprojective algebras
- Damien Calaque (University of Montpellier)
video - 10:00–10:30
- break
- 10:30–11:20
- Blowing down noncommutative cubic surfaces (remote)
- Sue Sierra (University of Edinburgh)
video - 11:30–12:20
- Invariant holonomic systems for symmetric spaces (remote)
- Toby Stafford (University of Manchester)
video - 19:00–...
- conference dinner
Thursday, September 15
- 09:00–09:50
- Spherical objects in dimension 2 and 3
- Michael Wemyss (University of Glasgow)
video - 10:00–10:30
- break
- 10:30–11:20
- Bihamiltonian Feigin-Odesskii structures (remote)
- Alexander Polishchuk (University of Oregon)
video - 11:30–12:20
- Categorical Donaldson-Thomas theory of $\mathbb{C}^3$
- Tudor Pădurariu (Columbia University)
video - 12:20–14:00
- lunch
- 14:00–14:50
- Fukaya categories and functoriality in mirror symmetry
- Denis Auroux (Harvard University)
video - 15:00–15:30
- break
- 15:30–16:20
- Deformations of Calabi–Yau varieties in mixed characteristic
- Lenny Taelman (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
- 16:30–17:20
- On Amiot's conjecture (remote)
- Bernhard Keller (Université Paris Cité)
Friday, September 16
- 09:00–09:50
- Coherent sheaves on the Hilbert scheme of points, revisited
- Roman Bezrukavnikov (MIT)
video - 10:00–10:30
- break
- 10:30–11:20
- An analog of the Beilinson-Drinfeld Grassmannian for surfaces (remote)
- Gabriele Vezzosi (University of Firenze)
video - 11:30–12:20
- Mirrors of adjoint orbits and deformations
- Elizabeth Gasparim (Universidad Católica del Norte)
video - 12:20–14:00
- lunch
- 14:00–14:50
- Non-commutative cristalline cohomology
- Dmitry Kaledin (Steklov Mathematical Institute and Higher School of Economics)
video - 15:00–16:00
- drinks